Romance me when
I’m too tired to sleep
Spin me ’round
at the roller rink
Tell me
our secrets in French
Sing to me
like a proud bluejay
Smother me
like a funeral bouquet
Write to me
better than Hemmingway
Frighten me
like my own personal lightning bang
Flatter me
like it’s my first ballet
Treasure me
like a babbling baby
Ride with me
like catching your first wave
Believe in me
like Jesus when we were kids
Teach me
like I’m illiterate
Encourage me
like I got my first hit
Cover me
like my mom’s blankets
Pounce on me
like a dog that’s restless
Play with me
in a discotec
Dream with me
that there’s no end to this
Live with me
until we become limitless
Breath with me
until we are lip to lip
Dissolve until
we slip into it
Smile at me
after your first kiss
Rapture me
like the bones of Lazarus
Evade me
like that god particle they’re chasing in France
Come to me
in my last moments
And in all the moments
in between that pass