Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos


There is a monument on the main avenue of Mexico City.

There are many monuments on this avenue. Towering golden angels. Avenue spawning edifices.

This is not one of those.

This looks like an almost crowd-funded circle of 12 ft cement dividers painted green.

Gloria de las y los Desaparecidos



Ricardo Arturo Lagunes Gasca.

Antonio Verastugal Gonzalez.

Antonio Diaz Valencia.



A circle of disappeared holding hands




Smaller photos of the disappeared scatter the walls.

Babies. Niñas. Men with mustaches.

Painted butterflies and roses wishing them peace.

The circle of disappeared holding hands continues.



Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos

The day’s traffic passes by.

Buses, motorcycle delivery men, the cry of sirens, suits on bikes, street sweepers.

The canopy of the jungle in a bustling metropolis

Mexicanas in skirts

An accordion plays 

A moped peppers by

A mile-long line to take a ride



Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos

A circle of disappeared holding hands.



Working people in traffic

Their own days full of grind

And now this to keep in mind

Who will stop to notice?




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